[Salesforce LWC] — Get User Details From LWC JS

Kousik Majilya
2 min readFeb 14, 2022


[1] Business Scenario —

We have been working on a moderately complex lightning transformation Project using LWC and there we faced few challenges at the time of implementing user details info at Java Script layer in terms of building a custom LWC component. As per the Salesforce LWC (Refer — Why Salesforce LWC? [Advantages of Lightning Web Component — Link below) best practice(s), we have been trying to implement this in java script layer rather in apex layer to move with component framework based model.

[2] Impacted Columns —

User Id

User Phone

User MobilePhone

User Role Name

User’s Manager Id

[3] Solution Approach —

(a) Create a sample Java Script & import below lines from salesforce/schema. Remember that, User.UserRole.Name — bit tricky here syntactically.

[ UserInfo.js ]//import user detailsimport UsrId from '@salesforce/user/Id';
import UsrPhone from '@salesforce/schema/User.Phone';
import UsrMPhone from '@salesforce/schema/User.MobilePhone';
import UsrRoleName from '@salesforce/schema/User.UserRole.Name';
import UsrManagerId from '@salesforce/schema/User.ManagerId';

(b) Invoke Lightning Web Component reactive Wire Method getRecord() to load the data in respective columns by passing the UsrId.

Tricky syntax is — data.fields.UserRole.value.fields.Name.value

//user details@track CreatorPhoneVal;
@track CreatorMPhoneVal;
@track CreatorRoleVal;
@track MIdVal;
// **************************************************************** // Wire - getRecord()// Set Phone; Mobile Phone & User Role// ****************************************************************@wire(getRecord, {recordId: UsrId, fields: [UsrPhone,UsrMPhone,UsrRoleName,UsrManagerId]}) wireuser({error,data}) { if (error) {
this.error = error;
} else if (data) {
if (data.fields.Phone.value != null) {
if (data.fields.MobilePhone.value != null) {
if (data.fields.UserRole.value != null) {
if (data.fields.ManagerId.value != null) {

(c) At your html layer, just create few Lightning input columns (SLDS standards) in disabled (based on requirement) mode to retrieve the value(s) from respective Java Script @track decorator.

<lightning-layout-item flexibility="auto" size="6" padding="around-small">
<div class="slds-form_horizontal">
<lightning-input disabled type="text" name="CreatorMobile"
value={CreatorMPhoneVal} class="validvalue MPh"
label="Creator Mobile" >
</lightning-layout-item><lightning-layout-item flexibility="auto" size="6" padding="around-small">
<div class="slds-form_horizontal">
<lightning-input disabled type="text" name="CreatorPhone"
value={CreatorPhoneVal} class="validvalue Ph"
label="Creator Phone" >
<lightning-layout-item flexibility="auto" size="6" padding="around-small">
<div class="slds-form_horizontal">
<lightning-input disabled type="text" name="CreatorRole"
value={CreatorRoleVal} class="validvalue CRole"
label="Creator Role" >



Kousik Majilya

Salesforce Account Director & Principal Architect with strong Industry knowledge & specialization in Salesforce Lightning Web Component (LWC) Architecture.